Wie wichtig ist Muskelentspannung nach dem Training?

How important is muscle relaxation after exercise?

Your workout is in the books and you're really drained. Different muscle parts twitch slightly, others hurt. But somehow the pain feels good. Thanks to the phenomenon of sore muscles, you know that your training session was successful and now you have to give your muscles time to recover. The time until the next training session is longer for some athletes and shorter for others. But how important is muscle relaxation after a workout? What are the benefits of actively relaxing muscles after a workout? What muscle relaxation options are there? We clarify these and other questions in this blog post.

What is muscle soreness and how does it develop?

Muscle soreness is felt as pain in the muscles that occurs after physical activity. Especially after unusual or intensive training. Muscle soreness usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours after exercise and can last up to a week. Muscle soreness is caused by tiny tears in muscle fibers that develop during exercise. Subsequently, these cracks become inflamed. They can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected muscles. Pain can vary, from a mild aching to severe pain that can interfere with exercise.

This is how you stretch your body

Muscle soreness can be prevented by stretching before and after exercise. Before we show you some exercises that you can use to effectively relax after exercising, there are a few important points to keep in mind to avoid injuries and make stretching effective:

It is important that you stretch slowly and in a controlled manner. Avoid jerky movements with excessive force to avoid injury. Also, you should never stretch to the point where you feel pain. A slight tugging or straining is normal when stretching, but you shouldn't feel any pain.

Breathing is a key part of stretching. Make sure you breathe consciously and regularly. Try to avoid breathing congestion. The best thing to do is breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Another important keyword is regularity. Regular stretching is important to improve flexibility and mobility. It would be good to stretch every day, or at least on the days you work out. However, you should not only stretch regularly, but also change your stretching exercises regularly. This will ensure that you are stretching all of the different muscle groups.

Simple stretches to get you started

Here are some exercises that you can use to stretch and relax specific muscle groups.

Leg stretch: Place one leg in front of the other and lean forward with your back straight. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Thigh stretch: Stand tall with one leg behind your body. Grab the leg with one hand and gently pull it towards the buttocks. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Back stretch: Sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Bend one leg and place your foot on the other side of the straight leg. Twist your torso toward the stretched side and hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds. Then switch sides.

Shoulder Stretch: Stand tall and bring your right arm overhead. Grasp the right elbow with the left hand and gently pull the arm to the left side. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Hip stretch: Sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together. Pull your heels towards your body and push your knees outward. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.

Arm Stretch: Stand upright and bring your right arm in front of your body. With your left hand, gently pull your arm to your left and hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds. Then switch sides.

Calf stretch: Stand with one foot about three feet in front of a wall and lean your hands against the wall. Keep the straight leg behind and press the heel towards the floor. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Other types of post-workout muscle relaxation

Even before training, you can prevent sore muscles and the associated muscle pain. In today's blog, however, we are devoting ourselves to the possibilities with which you can prevent or at least alleviate sore muscles after training:

Massagers: Foam rollers, massage balls, or other massagers can help relieve muscle tension and tightness and improve circulation. Regular massages can also help reduce recovery time.

Relaxation exercises: Meditation, yoga, or other relaxation exercises can help relax the mind and body.

Hot Bath: A hot bath relaxes muscles and improves blood flow. A hot bath can generally help to reduce stress and increase general well-being.

Adequate rest and recovery: Adequate rest and recovery are critical to muscle recovery. It's important to give your body enough time to recover after exercise to avoid injury and overtraining.

CBD oil from ZUYA: Various professional athletes such as the ice hockey player Fabian Helder or Joel Salzgeber (both players in the Swiss National League A) use ZUYA ZERO from BergBlüten after exercise to prevent muscle soreness.


Post-workout muscle relaxation is an important part of the training process. It helps prevent injuries, improve flexibility and mobility, and relieve muscle soreness. Regular stretching is particularly important because it has a variety of benefits. It's important to stretch slowly and in a controlled manner, never stretch to the point of pain, breathe consciously and regularly, and rotate stretches regularly. There are many simple stretches you can do after a workout to help relax muscles, and other types of muscle relaxation, such as massage or yoga, can also be helpful. By taking care of your body and giving it time to recover after a workout, you can achieve better long-term results and avoid injury. If you have any questions about CBD products or other questions for us, feel free to contact us report to us!
