CBD quality - BergBlüten is a master!
BergBlüten AG has been synonymous with high-quality CBD oil for two- and four-legged friends for many years. Not without reason, because we have the highest standards for CBD quality. Many steps are necessary for us to guarantee this. First and foremost, the decision to take the processes of a complete value chain into our own hands. To ensure that our CBD exceeds the quality standards, we have developed our 3-mountain process for gentle extraction, concentration and activation together with our renowned partners such as the HES-SO - University of Applied Sciences Valais and Mediplant. The result is a full-spectrum CBD oil that still contains all the important ingredients. Highest CBD quality for the highest demands.

Swiss culture and our CBD quality
The hemp plant is deeply rooted in Swiss culture and its production and utilization has always been an important part of agriculture. Thanks to years of experience in cultivation, care, harvesting and processing, we have a wealth of knowledge about hemp. With Andreas Franzi, we have gained one of the most experienced growers for our BergBlüten team. The breeding and cultivation on our Swiss hemp fields in the mountains play a decisive role in our CBD quality. Our medicinal hemp plants thrive under the best conditions. Numerous hours of sunshine, pure spring water, the fresh mountain air, the fertile soil and care with purely organic fertilizers by our experts ensure the highest CBD quality right from the start.

From harvest to CBD extract of the highest quality
After the hand-picked harvest, the flowers undergo the 3-mountain process, which we use to ensure the quality of the CBD. The “first peak” is the gentle extraction of the CBD and the valuable ingredients. THC is only included to a negligible extent, as we already lay the foundations for the minimum THC value during our cultivation. The next step and “second peak” is the reduction to CBD, where our process preserves the entire profile. The “last peak” is one of the most important, as the CBD is now in an inactive form. Through activation, we obtain the high quality of the CBD extract, which continues when we finally dissolve the CBD in 100% organic and cold-pressed carrier oils.

Bottling - the next step towards CBD quality
As a company, we are aware of our responsibility in the manufacture and production of CBD products. That is why we not only work with specialists in breeding, cultivation and processes to achieve the highest CBD quality, but also have our CBD extract tested by external bodies and bottled in laboratories according to GMP standards after approval. Each product is labeled and its production process is fully recorded and traceable. We comply with international regulations at every stage of the process. Our laboratory analyses of CBD quality can be viewed at any time. This is how we ensure 100% safety for our customers.