Der BergBlüten Jahresrückblick 2022

Ein Jahr zählt 365 Tage. 365 Tage, an denen man etwas bewirken kann. 365 Tage, an denen man an sich selbst arbeiten und wachsen kann. Tage, die man nutzen kann, um vorwärtszukommen und sich zu verbessern. Auch wir bei der BergBlüten AG haben in den letzten 365 Tagen einiges erlebt. Mit viel Freude präsentieren wir: Unser BergBlüten Jahresrückblick 2022.


Bereits im Frühling dieses Jahres haben wir als BergBlüten AG eine AKTIENKAPITALERHÖHUNG durchgeführt, um das Eigenkapital des Unternehmens zu erhöhen. Die Aktienkapitalerhöhung wurde genutzt, um wichtige strategische Partnerschaften zu fixieren. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Partnern wie Scott Blakey, besser bekannt als Shanti Baba, konnten wir unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken und neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten erschließen.

Erstes Frauenprodukt

Ein weiteres erfreuliches Ereignis war der Launch unseres ersten spezifischen Frauenproduktes KRAFTTAGE. Krafttage ist ein wohltuendes Massageöl. Es wurde von Frauen für Frauen entwickelt. Wir haben uns bewusst dafür entschieden, ein Produkt speziell für Frauen zu produzieren und zu launchen, da wir der Meinung sind, dass Frauen in der heutigen Gesellschaft oftmals zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung bekommen. Während eines Zyklus durchleben Frauen unterschiedliche Phasen. Körper und Geist brauchen an manchen Tagen mehr Unterstützung als an anderen. Während der Menstruation oder in den Wechseljahren ist Krafttage für Frauen da, um Ruhe und Kraft zu schenken, Weiblichkeit zu zelebrieren und die individuellen Stärken von Frauen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen.

Neue Manufaktur

Ein Highlight des Jahres 2022 war die APERTA. Zusammen mit unserem Team und vielen BergBlüten-Fans durften wir unsere neue BergBlüten Manufaktur eröffnen und einweihen. Mit dieser hochmodernen Anlage haben wir einen Schritt Richtung Zukunft gemacht. Durch die neue Kurzwegdestillationsanlage konnten wir die Qualität unserer Produkte stark verbessern. So sind wir im Stande eine höhere Qualität zu gewährleisten, welche sich im Geschmack und vor allem in der Wirksamkeit bemerkbar macht. Unsere eigene Produktionsstätte bietet uns die Möglichkeit, CBD-Produkte der Spitzenklasse herzustellen, und das völlig autonom. Dank Analysen von beispielsweise unserem CBD Öl BergBlüten Ursprung können wir durch die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse unsere Produkte stetig verbessern und die hohen Qualitätsansprüche unserer Kunden erfüllen.

How to: Hundewelpen stubenrein bekommen

How to: Housebreaking puppies

Just like toddlers, puppies still have a lot to learn. The little four-legged friends are incredibly cute and give us a lot of fun moments, but sometimes negative incidents happen. Especially if the puppy isn't housebroken yet. You don't look and the puppy uses your apartment as a public toilet. At least that's how it feels for many (first-time) dog owners. How to housetrain puppies? The little one will certainly not be housebroken by themselves. So let's see how you can master this task!

Not every puppy is housebroken at the same time

Dogs are individuals. This means that every dog ​​is different. For example, dogs of the same breed share many characteristics, but that does not mean that the neighbor's Jack Russel is exactly the same as your own Jack Russel. Neither externally, nor in character or behavior. The same is true of the time it takes for puppies to become housebroken. This time simply differs from dog to dog. Generally speaking, young dogs become housebroken around 4-5 months. This can also be faster! In any case, however, it is considered certain that the little ones at eight to ten weeks are physiologically not able to keep their urine or feces in themselves for too long. And “not too long” here means a few minutes.

But the puppy does not do this on purpose. That's the important thing! Remember that well. Getting angry and scolding is not an appropriate response. And pushing the puppy into its legacy with your snout isn't dog-friendly either. The puppy learns nothing to scold and to press its snout into what has been left behind. "No!" is enough. Strict but calm. The puppy feels that his behavior was unwanted. At best, you'll catch your puppy in the act and bring him back immediately after the "No!" outwards. Because that's where you want the little one to do his business in the future. If the business is then brought to an end outside, it is praised

Over time, puppies send out many signals that things are getting dangerous. Some puppies squeak, others spin in circles. Take the little one outside at such signals (especially after feeding or drinking). They don't play outside and the short walk or stay in front of the front door is otherwise as boring as possible. If your puppy does its job now, it will be thoroughly praised. Between the dog's meals, you should go outside with the puppy at best 5 times a day. We are even more often outside the door with our puppies, namely whenever we had the slightest suspicion that the little ones might have to. But not everyone has to overdo it like the Cannabis Paws! We've also gotten a little off topic. signals. The puppy sends out a wide variety of signals when things get dangerous. These include, for example:

  • beeps
  • Spin in circles
  • General restlessness or nervousness
  • Obvious “wanting to go outside”
  • Intense sniffing in a place where business has been done before

The last point in particular needs a little explanation. The smell of your own urine encourages your puppy to come back to the same spot over and over again. That's why it's also important that places in the apartment where you urinate are thoroughly cleaned. Your pet store has special tools ready for this. You can also distribute a few treats in these places (after cleaning). Dogs do not normally soil their feeding or sleeping areas with their own excrement. Otherwise: go outside with the puppy after the following activities:

Whenever the little four-legged friend does his business outside, he gets lots of praise. After that you can play a round.

Especially at night it can still happen that the puppy makes its way into the apartment. We can only recommend that you use a transport box. As already mentioned, dogs do not do their business in the places where they eat or sleep. In a transport box, the puppy has to react when it has to. So you can also react quickly at night. By the way, a big cardboard box will do, too. Just don't forget to bring a soft, warm blanket. Because puppies certainly don't have to learn one thing: to cuddle up. If you notice regular signals from your puppy at night, you can exchange the transport box for a real place to sleep.

If you follow these tips, your puppy should be housebroken in no time. As always, the same applies when it comes to housebreaking: just don't lose patience. It also takes time for an infant to swap out the diaper for the toilet, with no unintended incidents. But now it's your turn! Do you have any experience with housebreaking puppies? Or useful tips you want to share with others? Then use the comment function and start writing! We look forward to your experiences.
